Wombat And Koala Become Best Mates After Sharing Enclosure During Isolation

Hope and Elsa

A wombat and a koala have become the best of friends after sharing an enclosure during isolation period.

Elsa the koala and Hope the wombat created an implausible friendship at the Australian Reptile Park in New South Wales.

The two first met when Hope was put into Elsa’s place while hers was being cleaned.

Elsa & Hope

With wombats being the most neighboring relative species to the koala, keepers knew the two would be safe together – but little did they know such an attractive friendship would blossom.

See for yourself here:

Actually keepers knew Elsa and Hope got on so well because they would snuggle noses to greet one another – they’re now known as ‘lockdown BFFs’.

The Australian Reptile Park had been closed in April and May and, while it left the park’s animals without visitors, it gave Elsa and Hope the chance to shape their friendship. They even had regular visits with one another when they stopped sharing an enclosure – something they’re still having.

Park curator Hayley Shute hand raised Elsa from when she was just a joey while Hope was also hand raised at the park, reported the MailOnline.

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