Showing posts from January, 2018

This New Technology Could Get Humans to Mars in Two Days

It takes almost between three to six months for a normal spacecraft to reach Planet Mars from Earth. A new concept space train called Solar Express is challenging that time frame: it would, hypothetically, be able to transport people and cargo fr…

Flat-Earther's Homemade Rocket Has Got A New Launch Date

“Mad” Mike Hughes shot into the limelight last year after announcing plans to launch himself in a homemade rocket with sponsor, of course, "RESEARCH FLAT EARTH” painted on the side. Well, unfortunately for Mike and thousands of curious onlo…

Donald Trump Will End Funding for the ISS by 2025

Donald Trump’s administration has touted big plans for NASA in the past few months, but it hasn’t been willing to put up much cash. So the White House has come up with a way to stretch the space agency’s budget further: Forwarding the bills for …

This New Picture of Jupiter's Swirly Blue Pole Is Truly Breathtaking

I’m not usually one of those “check out this beautiful planet photo” people (just joking, I am). But to be honest, the recent images currently coming from the citizen scientists looking at NASA’s Juno Spacecraft data are all incredible. I’m not …

Quantum Gravity: The Missing Gap in Physics

Quantum gravity can be described in one word as a missing puzzle piece in the understanding of the known universe. In order to find this piece one needs to combine quantum theory and general relativity. There is no doubt about these theories that…

New Research Turns Theory Of Stellar Evolution Upside-Down

This week, Nature published a  research  article that challenges the theory of stellar evolution. "I think that, over the coming months, stellar astrophysicists will have to redo their calculations," said Gilles Fontaine, a physics pro…

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