NASA Wants To Probe Deeper Into Uranus Than Ever Before

Up until now, NASA has never paid too much attention to Uranus – but now the space agency wants to take a good, long look. And one of the things it might be investigating is all that gas. A NASA group outlined four possible missions to the ice giants Uranus and Neptune.

These missions include three orbiters and a possible fly-by of Uranus. The planned probes would take off in the 2030s, New Scientist reports.

‘The preferred mission is an orbiter with an atmospheric probe to either Uranus or Neptune – this provides the highest science value, and allows in depth study of all aspects of either planet’s system: rings, satellites, atmosphere, magnetosphere,’ says Amy Simon, co-chair of the Ice Giants Pre-Decadal Study group.

MORE: Sorry, you’ve probably been saying the word Uranus wrong your whole life MORE: Hubble just spotted something massive coming out of Uranus One of the proposed missions includes a fly-by of Uranus, which would include a narrow-angle camera – and a probe which would drop into Uranus’s atmosphere to measure gas and heavy elements. There are four proposed missions. 

Three orbiters and a fly-by of Uranus, which would include a narrow angle camera to draw out details, especially of the ice giant’s moons. It would also drop an atmospheric probe to take a dive into Uranus’s atmosphere to measure the levels of gas and heavy elements there.

You can read the complete article here.


  1. the 3 spatial dimension's in our universe is not a's simple if you read the bible.the answer to it is there is 3 heaven's.and they are as one but different from the other.on earth is one heaven that god made and it was measured to a height of so many feet. then the second heaven was made from the botton of the first to the top measured feet of it. this is where the demon sprit's flow to and fro.from one side of the universe to the other.the 3rd heaven is above all this is the holly place where god himself lives.god spoke himself in the bible that he is going to have 30 min of silence in heaven to clear the way of demon sprit's in the second heaven so his son Jesus can have a holy path in his second coming to earth.this answer is for the physicist's and cosmologist.

    1. I made a boo boo the second heaven was made from the TOP of the first heaven. not the bottom.sorry.

    2. You do know there is no science whatsoever in your statement.?

    3. Morgan, there's no coherence in it. How can there possibly be science?

    4. The DUH is particularly strong with this one.

    5. Everything is simple if you believe the simple-minded bible.

    6. First off, what you describe has nothing to do with explaining height,width, and length: the x,y,and z axis of spatial dimensions.
      Secondly, what you have written is not in the canonical Bible.
      Thirdly, the three heavens are referenced in the New Testament without explanation because the writer had every expectation that his original audience knew what the third heaven meant. It is a basic part of the language. So you must look at what the original language meant. This is an actual thing and Christians do not get to make up an answer. In Greek, the sky is the first heaven; the realm of the stars (outer space) is the second heaven; and the realm of God's throneroom and such is the third heaven. All three can be meant by saying "heaven" in Koine Greek.
      If you want to believe that demons fly around and dominate outer space that's your business... but you have no basis whatsoever to claim that this is what the Bible itself told you.

    7. thou shalt not inject bullshit psychobible babble into science discussions. Ur an Anus.

    8. Is that YOU Robert Lavelle?!? O /\ + \/ O

    9. Nevertheless, Anonymous, I will always support your right to be faintly amusing.

    10. I don't know why people keep thinking Jesus is coming back, they didn't nail him to a f**king boomerang!

    11. Where is the LOL emoji when you need it.

    12. You have all been had by sarcasm I think :)

    13. The path back from the heavens will be provided by psychics and cosmetologists.

    14. If there was no such thing as religion then there would be nothing to fight about, no wars etc. Sick and tired of this science and religion clashing BS. Science has at least proof. There is no proof that god exist and there will never be any proof. Just a book written by Joe Blow for weak minded people..THERE IS NO GOD...ffs

    15. How is this even relevant to the article?

  2. Anonymous' rant isn't even in the Bible stories.

  3. The "duh" is most strong in people whose view of the universe is so finite that when confronted with something they don't understand they automatically take a possible answer, suppose it's correct without doubt and in their supposition vehemently and rudely denounce another and offend anyone supporting the other as if...
    You're an idiot and don't know it. Sorry.

  4. Is this article for real? Probing deeply into your anus? I'm not sure if this is a spoof trying to get some giggles out your anus or if this is a serious article whose author never considered the possible double meaning of her/his words?

    1. Proctology: The Final Frontier!

    2. Real science with some extremely juvenile humour to act as click-bait.

    3. I mean, we're here reading the article. Aren't we?

    The interpretation of heavens may be a little basic to make it easier to digest for earlier times. In our understanding of the universe most people will only recognize one heaven. I actually thought this article was a joke (NASA wants to probe the gas in Uranus).

  6. Well-played anonymous author, well-played.

  7. many Christians will disapprove, claiming it's an attempt to discredit the existence of a higher power, but I think deeper Uranal probing will lead to more folks exclaiming the name of God than ever before.

  8. How could Hubble see something coming out of anyone's anus? While I have the soapbox, another question, Who determined that Bode did not have a great sense of humor. After all, the word mean the same thing in both languages. See?

  9. Be gentle it's my first time.

  10. why does it have to fly by uranus? why cant it stay in orbit like saturn and jupiter like that they can take more pictures and view its weathers and shit like that ?

    1. Because of the energy requirements. A flyby is cheaper because the rocket doesn't have to haul up a bunch more propellant to be used to slow the spacecraft down so it can drop into orbit. A flyby allows you to use a smaller, cheaper rocket. But yeah, orbiters would allow a much longer time to get good observations. It just depends on how much money and what "class" they want these missions to be.

      Then on the other hand, if SpaceX gets the Falcon Heavy (a far more capable launcher) flying at just $90 million per launch, then it might make more sense to do the orbiter mission.

  11. Replies
    1. It depends on how you slice and dice it. Previously we always considered our solar system to have nine planets with asteroids like Ceres and Vesta being considered well, as asteroids.

      But about 10 years a group in Europe who decides these things said Pluto was no longer a full member of the planetary order and henceforth it would be known as a minor planet, as would Ceres and Vesta, along with some of the new discoveries beyond Pluto.

      More recently since the New Horizons probe flew by Pluto and showed it to be complex world with active weather and geology, there is a push to have Pluto declared once more to be a planet.

      It really just all depends on who you listen to and what criteria you buy into for a world to be considered a "planet".

      To me we have 10 planets, as I'd count Ceres and Pluto, with any worlds beyond Pluto simply being considered part of the Oort Cloud of debris left over from the formation of the solar system.

  12. They are literally laughing at all the idiots eating this stuff up. It's all CGI and fakery. Research flat earth. Oh and watch the documentary on youtube called A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon. WAKE UP!! You are buying into a fantasy. It's all fake. Look at the discrepancies just on the pictures of the globe. Really look at the so-called pics from NASA and all the space agencies. It's not real.

    1. oh boy who let you out of the crazy house?

    2. Yeah, this dude is a retard. Talking about a flat earth. This is what happens when natural selection goes wrong. And the dumb don't get killed off by predators. Much Love Roaddog...

    3. That's why he's an "unknown"... no brain.

    4. If the Earth were flat cats would have already knocked everything off of it...

    5. Ya, but the Flat Earth Society has members around the globe!

    6. u flat earters r completely retarded and don't deserve to live, plz go kill urself

  13. Count of scientific theories disproved using religion thus far in all of history: 0

    1. Pat, are you trying to use the English language? If so, that would be a fail.

  14. Is this page always such a riot? I mean...HOLY SHIT! Flat earth? What? and "There's no such thing as gravity? Really? Jump off my barn roof... Ahem..., Gravity.

    1. Right? I thought the article was pretty funny, but some of these comments are more entertaining than the multitude of Uranus puns the author used, literally every other sentence. I don't know what I find more amusing, the people asking "Is this article real?"or the people wanting to debate the Bible and the definition of "heaven". Oh yeah, let's not leave out the "Wake up, the moon landing is a fake, and the Earth is flat, everybody!! We've been lied to, NASA is evil, it's all a conspiracy...." WOW... I'm still wiping the tears from my eyes from laughing at this stuff, keep em coming you batsh*t crazy little bundles of sparkly Duhhh, please? PULEASE!!!

    2. I've only read one article from this blog and I already know that the mods and admins on this site are useless/nonexistent. This site is probably a soapbox for many extremist religious folks and delusional flat-earthers.

  15. Yeah, be careful of all that gas in Uranus.

  16. I could not stop laughing! Thanks for informing me about Uranus :) BTW, this word that I've 'probably' been mispronouncing, can be pronounced both ways - the Schwa is optional! xx

  17. ahhhh hahahahahahha

    That is all!!

  18. Somebody has been waiting their entire life to write that headline

  19. that last picture posted of Uranus poles is just
    a butt farting...

  20. The 'writers' at The Space Academy should have spent more time at the Writing Academy -this article seems to have come directly from someones anus.

  21. If the US government is unable to invade Uranus, Greece will help.

  22. Like so many of you, I could not stop my inner 12 year old from giggling. Humor aside, a good article. And I'll ignore the Flat Earther comments.


  24. Put yer head tween yer knees and kiss uranus goodbye! Who's payin fer dis stuff?✝️ 👽 🤠 🙋 ❤️ 🇺🇸 🇦🇺 Oh well... Aloha anyway! 🌵🌴🍺😒

  25. Leave my anus alone ... please ...

  26. I will launch a ginormous rocket from Maianous to Uranus.

  27. when I was young, we were taught it was pronounced "Your-Un-Us" then we were corrected "your-anus" and now it seams that that we we knew is the 1970s is correct. Also Pluto is not a planet and we now film robots on Mars.

    1. is a private blog with a ‘disclaimer’ no less. is purely an information disseminating blog related to Science especially physics and astronomy. It’s only an information blog. All articles, images, logos and trademarks used in this website are collected from different internet and belong to their original owners. The original owner of the articles are mentioned in the article and articles here for for non-commercial use. Use of any information available on this website is at your own risk, you are 100% responsible for what you do or don’t do using it. All the data and information available on this site is for informational purposes only. If any of the information available on this website is inappropriate or violates or infringes any of your copyright protection, or even if you want to remove any article which you own then leave a comment or Contact Us. Appropriate action will be taken as soon as possible. Content and material in this blog is the property of (if credit or surce is not mentioned) and do not copy or reproduce in any manner content or articles of this blog without permission. Just ask for permission and we will never say no to anyone. For permission contact us here .

  28. Every religion including atheist from birth.Have claim to have been in a heaven or Hell after death?Children have even come back.Speaking about relatives that died before they were born.You mock a person for believing in spiritual principles.Yet you don't have answers to explain the NDE phenomena?How people that were legally dead can explain in detail things that were happening and discussions that were taking place.Why do people who don't believe in anything,call God's name,when they wind up in hell?A place they believed as some of you do,doesn't exist.I find the notion that something came from nothing and here on this planet.Millions of years go by and something you can only see under a microscope.Changed into any species we've discovered on this planet.About as truthful and intelligent as me owning and flying an x wing fighter and killing taliban with it.We can create animals and splice genes and make crossbred species,bugs,etc.Look how long it took us to do that.To say we weren't created by a higher power and scoff,sweep the evidence away.Makes me feel you are the weird,arrogant,ignorant people.Science says there's more water under the earth,than what's above ground now?Where was that fact stated first?How long ago?You'll never hear,see,perceive arrogantly thing spiritual.You don't believe in it and contaminated the chance of getting any personal results?It's funny how your predecessors used science to prove God's existence.Now that there's ,one to be made in your field.Yawl run around and do the opposite.Why....because a rich person rather hear there's no God to answer to.Than pay you to tell them theywill have to answer for a life of greed selfishness,etc.Something from nothing.IDIOTS

  29. you would think if NASA were gonna probe Uranus, they'd buy you dinner or whisper pillowtalk in your ear, first

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