The best opinions created by the mankind, but unfortunately they have refused to work together. General relativity and quantum mechanics are two big concepts that need to be explained to the universe around us.
Physicists have come up with a quantum gravity theory that seems to be successful in explaining what we see in the universe today, and it works to explain processes that require both quantum mechanics and relativity, such as black holes. This method has been reported in a physical review paper entitled “Limited Quantum Gravity Amplitude: No String Attached”.
The boundaries of the two theories are under continuous investigation. Scientists hope to find clues to the next big theory there, the one to bridge the chasm between quantum mechanics and relativity. The most discussed and controversial concept in string theory but others are also investigating.
Quantum gravity theories do not require strings to act as particles, they simply assume that there are particles. An important aspect of the theory to researchers is that it is based on previously tested concepts. We have no evidence that the proposed strings exist in string theory. To find them, our CERN will need significantly more powerful particle skin than the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).
"Scientists find it interesting to use this alternative theory because it has become extremely difficult to link string theory to experiments. This makes it easier for us to bridge the gap between theoretical predictions and experiments," said co-author Professor Frank Saueressig from the University of Radboud in the Netherlands. Our concept uses physical principles that have already been experimentally tested. In other words: no one has ever observed a string on an experiment, but particles are something that people must see on an LHC test.
The team will now apply their new theoretical framework to black holes, trying to understand the implications of this theory for those theoretical condoms.
A theory can be beautiful and explain what we see but it still needs to be able to predict what we can see and interpret in a coherent structure. The work is an important foundation of this theory but what is important is making predictions about the universe.
“After all, there is a set of laws of nature and this set is able to apply to all kinds of questions as to what happens when we collide particles with particles at higher energies or what happens when particles fall into a black hole,” Saueressig added. “It would be nice to prove that there is a link between these seemingly isolated questions that allows us to solve the puzzles that exist on both sides.”
Reference: Arxiv, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.181301