Time travel BREAKTHROUGH: Physicists reveal that it is possible to STOP time

Experts have revealed that it is possible to stop the process of time, although doing it might not be practical. To understand how time can be stopped, one has to have a better understanding of Albert Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. Einstein stated that the speed of light, which is a staggering 299,792,458 meters per second, is constant throughout the Universe.

This speed remains the same even if the observer is moving relative to it.

However, according to the University of Southern Maine, our perception of light can be changed.

Theoretically, this ultimately also means our perception of time can be changed through a phenomenon known as “time dilation”.

Time dilation is the difference in time when measured on two clocks.

Imagine one of these clocks was placed on a spaceship which travels at the speed of light, or close to it, and another remained on Earth.

When the spaceship reaches light speed, time is separately relative to both the clock on Earth and in the space ship.

As the speed of light is constant for both parties, it would seem as if time would be moving much slower on the rocket.

Research from the University of Maine said: “Time dilates on moving vessels: the greater the speed, the greater the time dilation. Only when such velocities approach light speed do such effects become significant. If, and this one of those extreme IF’s, a vessel could attain light speed, time aboard the vessel would cease altogether. Let’s say, to play with this fantasy world a bit that a vessel moves at light speed from now (2014) to 2214.”

 “For us, two hundred years would elapse. No time would pass at all on the vessel. What would be two centuries on Earth would be instantaneous on the ship. Extremely strange, but, theoretically true.”

However, it is theorized that it is impossible for anything other than light to travel at the speed of light.

The fastest man-made object is NASA’s Juno probe which clocked speeds of 165,000mph when orbiting Jupiter – barely making a dent on light’s ability to reach speeds of 670,616,629mph.

However, Professor Stephen Hawking said Einstein’s research into gravity, space and time from 1915 may have found a solution to the problem.

“This could connect the two sides of the galaxy and act as a shortcut to get from one to the other and back while your friend were still alive. Such wormholes have been seriously suggested as being within the capabilities of a future civilization. But if you can travel from one side of the galaxy to the other in a week or two you could go back through another wormhole and arrive back before you set out. You could even manage to travel back in time with a single wormhole if its two ends were moving relative to each other.”


  1. Could there be an anti-Higgs particle that causes mass to 'negative' ( not anti matter mass ) thus negative mass particle could never travel slower than lightspeed?

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