EVEN TO a telescope as powerful as the Subaru Telescope, HD1 is just a speck of light — a tiny mote that, if it is what we think it is, could revolutionize our understanding of the universe.
DISCOVERY — HD1 is a candidate galaxy — strong evidence shows that it’s
more than likely a galaxy. In a pair of papers published Thursday in the Astrophysical
Journal and the Monthly
Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Letters, scientists say this candidate
galaxy may be the most distant astronomical object we have ever seen.
is so distant, in fact, that it extends all the way back to a time when the
universe was less than a billion years old. The galaxy is strange — for
something that is 13.5 billion light-years away, it is brighter than it should
be. Yet it could be the key to understanding the early
universe, as well as the first stars and first galaxies.
presents a fresh cosmic mystery for a telescope like the James Webb Space
Telescope or the Chandra
X-Ray Observatory to solve. HERE’S THE BACKGROUND — In 2021, a
group of astronomers published a paper on Arxiv.org about
a hunt for galaxies at high redshift. High redshift refers to how light appears
in the universe — something exhibiting blueshift is coming toward us, while
redshift means it is moving away from us. An object with a high redshift is
very far away from us.
researchers identified two galaxy candidates at extremely high redshift, called
HD1 and HD2. Finding them took 1,200 hours of observing the sky using four
powerful observatories: The Subaru Telescope, VISTA Telescope, UK Infrared
Telescope, and Spitzer Space Telescope.
the distance estimates are correct, then HD1 would be the most distant galaxy
ever recorded, and represent one of the first generations of galaxies in the
universe. In fact, HD1 and HD2 could be among the galaxies that spewed ionized
hydrogen gas into the interstellar medium, leaving space “clear” as we see it
today. Before this outpouring of gas, the universe can be thought of as cloudier
and opaque, which would mean, if anybody were alive back then, their backyard
telescope would be more or less useless.
NEW — That Arxiv preprint is now the paper published in Astrophysical
Journal today. And in a separate paper, the one in MNRAS,
scientists try to determine what HD1 actually looks like.
Study co-author Avi Loeb, a Harvard University astrophysicist, tells Inverse that HD1 appears to be very bright, meaning that it’s likely one of two exceptional possibilities: A small galaxy packed with a population of bright first-generation stars, or a supermassive black hole consuming matter surrounding it.
“If that is a black hole, it’s the earliest we’ve seen,” Loeb says.
HOW THEY DID IT — Loeb and his colleagues analyzed every data point they could get their hands on to do with HD1. They found that HD1 is very bright in the ultraviolet spectrum with a high redshift. Most galaxies after the birth of the universe were small, compact, dwarf galaxies — a consequence of existing just a few hundred million years after the Big Bang, when the universe was hotter and denser than it is today. These little galaxies were also less bright than galaxies today, with less room for big, luminous stars.
“Because they were such low mass, the effects of stars forming in them could have caused a lot of damage in the sense of pushing gas out of them,” Loeb says.
HD1 and HD2 are at redshift 13, which roughly corresponds to 13.5 billion light-years away or just 300 million years after the universe formed.
“If an object is at a redshift of 13, that means the universe was smaller by a factor of 14 at the time — an order of magnitude smaller,” Loeb says.
makes the first theory about HD1 incredible, if true. If this galaxy was rife
with star formation at a time that kind of activity was supposed to be rare,
Loeb suspects we may soon find more like HD1 — forcing astronomers to
rethink some of their theories of the early universe.
supermassive black hole hypothesis is no slouch either. All large galaxies are
believed to have supermassive black
holes at their center, but how these behemoths form is poorly
understood. If HD1 has a supermassive black hole, then it would likely be a
quasar — a supermassive black hole at the center of a galaxy rapidly devouring
matter around it and then ejecting it out in bright light. Solving this cosmic
mystery is where the big telescopes come in.
Given that Webb is gearing up to reveal the universe in unprecedented ways, it may be taking a closer look at HD1 very soon — and what it reveals could be a major puzzle piece to reveal the true nature of the early universe.