Physicists have revealed that rotating black holes serve as portals for hyperspace travel

Sagittarius A*, a giant “monster” black hole in the middle of the Milky Way galaxy, could be the way for human spacecraft to travel through space and time, a new study suggests. “One of the most cherished sci-fi scenarios is the use of black hole make a portal to another dimension, another time, or another universe. That fantasy may be closer to reality than we thought before,” Professor Gaurav Khanna, from the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth (USA), wrote in The Conversation about the latest research results of his unit and ᴀassociates at the University of Georgia Gwinnett.

According to Professor Khanna, black holes are the most mysterious objects in the universe. Studies suggest it was most likely born when unlimited gravity crushed a dying star, leading to the formation of a singularity – where the star was compressed down to a single point and became an object. can have infinite density. This singularity is dense, H๏τ, sucking everything around and creating a hole in the fabric of space-time. So it could be a shortcut for super-fast space travel.

However, if it entered the black hole, the spacecraft would have to endure the overall effects of extreme heat and pressure, which could lead to complete evaporation.

So scientists are looking for the form of a large, vortex black hole, which allows some matter to pᴀss through quite peacefully. And right in our Milky Way galaxy there is a candidate: the “monster” black hole Sagittarius A * (Sagittarius A *) – the galaxy’s massive central black hole.

The mystery around black holes has also been revealed more clearly through research that has just been published almost parallel to the above paper from a group of scientists working at the US observatory located in Hawaii.

According to assistant professor – Dr. Raffaella Margutti, from Northwestern University (USA), member of the research team, he and his colleagues detected a bright and mysterious light emanating from the constellation Hercules. At first, scientists thought it was a supernova – the last glorious, explosive burst of a star before its death – and nicknamed it “The Cow”, or “Cow”, the scientific name. Officially AT2018cow.

However, after a year of research, they discovered that they were the first to record the birth of a black hole. Like what scientist Gaurav Khanna wrote in the study above, it is really the process of a star collapsing, being compressed and from which a black hole is born. The process took place over 16 days. But the above-mentioned newborn black hole is 200 million light-years away from us, which means that when humans see this unusual birth, that black hole is 200 million years old in that distant place.

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