According to Albert Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity, black holes are uninhabitable cracks of space-time that end in a “singularity,” or an infinite density mass.
Black holes are so violent that even the laws of physics break there…
But what if black holes aren’t really what Einstein says? What if they were actually some kind of portal to another universe?
This may sound like a science fiction film theme, but new calculations by quantum physicists suggest the idea that black holes may actually be some kind of interstellar portal or even a gateway to other universes.
The study report published by New Scientist, showed surprising results and according to the researchers, black holes do not culminate in a singularity. Instead, they represent “portals to other universes.”
Loop Quantum Gravity
The new theory is based on a concept known as ‘loopquantum gravity’ (or LQG). This concept was initially formulated to merge quantum mechanics and the theory of standard relativity, the main idea would be to correct the incompatibilities between the two areas.
Basically, LQG proposes that space-time is granular or atomic in nature; It is made of tiny, indivisible pieces about the same size as Planck’s length – which reaches approximately 10 -35 meters in size.
The studies were conducted by researchers Jorge Pullin, from the State University of Lousiana and Rodolfo Gambini, from the University of the Republic in Montevideo, Uruguay. Together they analyzed the numbers to see what would happen inside a black hole under the parameters of the LQG.
To everyone’s surprise, what they discovered was very different from what happens only according to Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity.
Instead of singularity, the black hole behaved like a door that was being opened.
The moment he began to squeeze hard, he suddenly loosened the grip, as if a door was being opened.
Doors to other universes
To better understand the new theory, imagine that you are traveling inside a black hole. According to Einstein’s theory of general relativity, falling into a black hole is like falling into a very deep pit, which despite having a background you will never get to it. Instead, you are pressed at a single point, a singularity of infinite density.
Just like in a deep well in black holes, there is no “other side”. The bottom prevents your fall through the hole, and the singularity “stops” your fall through the black hole (or at least in singularity it no longer makes sense to say that you are “falling”).
Now, according to the new theory, if you were falling through a black hole, your experience would be very different.
Early on you would probably feel some difference in gravity, it would increase rapidly. However, as soon as it was approaching what could be the core of the black hole. At the very moment you expected to be compressed into singularity – gravity would begin to subside, as if you had been swallowed just to be spat on the other side.
Briefly, the new study suggests that black holes are less like holes and more like tunnels or passageways.
But where would he take us?
Also according to the researchers, black holes could be shortcuts to other parts of the universe or even to other universes.