Phosphine and other life-related substances were found in Venus’ atmosphere 43 years ago but no one had checked the data until now.
In September 2020, scientists announced that the Atmosphere of Venus is filled with phosphine, a substance considered an important indicator of life. The discovery was disputed and divided opinions in the scientific community.
On March 10, 2021, however, a new analysis of the spectra of NASA’s Pionner Venus mission that studied Venus in the 1970s was published in the scientific journal Geophysical Research Letters.
In the research, in addition to confirming the existence of phosphine on Venus, scientists in the United States also found other traces of the hypothetical metabolism of living organisms.
Absolutely inhospitable, the surface of Venus is practically a Inferno, temperatures can pass 470 degrees Celsius and even to the most extreme living organisms on Earth would be impossible to live there.
However, at the top of the Venusian atmosphere, the pressure is very similar to that of the Earth and the temperature is very close to room temperature.
This is a place where some scientists believe microorganisms can thrive.
Supporting the hypothesis
Artist’s impression of NASA’s Pioneer Venus Multiprobe approaching the planet nearly 43 years ago. Credit: NASA
When the discovery of phosphine in this area of the Venusian atmosphere was announced in 2020, this was the first evidence to support the hypothesis of life on Venus.
However, the international research team provided data from ground-based telescopic equipment.It is much easier to question and challenge this information than if the data were obtained directly at the site of a space mission.To this end, Rakesh Mogul, a biochemist at Pomona Polytechnic University of California, requested access to data from the Pioneer Venus mission spectrometer.