Multiple Underground Water Reservoirs Discovered On Mars, New Study Finds


Researchers say that many underground water reservoirs have been found on Mars, which may imply the presence of liquid water on the earth.


Scientists, primarily because of its resemblance to the early Earth, have always been especially interested in the Red Planet. Even though it may appear desolate these days , due to the warmer climate, it looked much different in the past.


Experts are unable to be sure that life ever existed on this planet, but many of them say that it was habitable. There are also theories that under the surface of Mars there are even traces of the life secret.


Now, a recent research published by the journal Nature Astronomy suggests that near the Martian South Pole, there is a subterranean reservoir of highly salty water.


The presence of such a lake for scientists, keeping in mind that liquid water is crucial for survival, is a sign that this world could harbor its own native microscopic life.


Although some researchers still do not agree that water exists on Mars, the current study simply confirms the results of the 2018 study, which found evidence at the Martian south pole of a colossal underground reservoir of liquid water.


The discovery was carried out on the Mars Express orbiter using the Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding (MARSIS) instrument.


Researchers then reported an underground "lake" of liquid water under layers of sediment near the south pole of Mars, close to the subglacial lakes that can be found on our planet below the ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica.


The 2018 study was seen as a significant advance in the hunt for alien life in the universe and on Mars, but critics kept questioning whether scientists could be completely confident of their conclusions.


Scientists have now taken a step forward, finding a network of numerous lakes beneath the southern polar ice cap!


This latest research used the techniques used by Earth orbiting satellites to research the huge subterranean lakes underneath Antarctic glaciers to verify that the Red Planet 's enormous store of liquid still exists and extends about 15 miles wide.

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