Martian Meteorite Discovered In Sahara Desert Is Evidence Of Water On Red Planet 4.4 Billion Years Ago


Scientists find evidence in an 84-gram meteorite discovered in the Sahara Desert that water existed on Mars 4.4 billion years ago.


Wherever there is liquid water on our world, life exists, but is it the same on other planets? Water on Earth, Mars, and other great bodies have forever fascinated planetary scientists.

There are many theories on the origins of water that experts have come up with. Although some claim it originated from post-forming asteroids and comets, others argue that it arose spontaneously during the formation of the earth.


The mineral composition analysis of the Martian meteorite NWA 7533, discovered in 2012, is sponsored by the above. In other words, it displayed chemical oxidation signatures, which would have been the result of water formation.

The meteorite belonged to a celestial rock which broke up when it entered the atmosphere of the Earth.


Planetary scientists already understood that for at least 3.7 billion years, there had been water on the Red Planet, but this finding showed them that 700,000 years before their estimation, water was present on Mars.


NWA 7533, a Martian meteorite, is worth more than its weight in gold.

This implies that water is probably a natural by-product of some phase early in the creation of the earth. Theories regarding the nature of life, water, and extraterrestrial life may be influenced by such a discovery.


Back in 2013, scientists announced that the oldest Martian meteorite, old 4.4, is an 85-gram meteorite. A million years already.

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